Sunday, 25 October 2009

Exploiting The Human Blind-Spot

‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ – Edmund Burke

Left to right: Vanessa George, Angela Allen, Colin Blanchard

Here in Britain, we have had another case of a small paedophile network being exposed and uncovered, and thankfully being sent to jail for their crimes. It comes out in the media every now and again, almost every few months it seems, about how some small group of 3 or 4 carried out perverse acts on minors and got away with it for so long. Fortunately, however, someone eventually discovers them and the whole thing ends up in the national news.
The case that has been uncovered this time is that of nursery worker Vanessa George, who exploited her position working with children to meet her own sick needs. She, and two others she met on social networking site Facebook, exchanged sickening images of child pornography, as well as engaging in live ‘video conferences’ through which Vanessa would broadcast the abuse, the Telegraph reports.
The horrific trio was composed of: Vanessa George, a 39-year-old nursery worker with an interest in the occult and the paranormal, who was member of 'Haunted Devon', A respectable ghost-hunting group; Colin Blanchard, an IT company employee whose mother died when he was 15 and has since attended many Séances to make contact with her; and Angela Allen, a 39-year-old former prostitute from Bulwell, near Nottingham.
The sick trio’s activities were brought to an end, however, when a colleague of Colin Blanchard logged in to his computer and stumbled across the images of child pornography, and promptly reported them to the police. The three of them now face a prison sentence that is expected to be announced on the 13th of November.

It’s always shocking, however, how long such cases as this go on before they are unearthed. In this case, the trio are known to have been engaging in their perverse activities for at least a few months together, but Vanessa George is believed to have been exploiting her occupation working with children from between September 2008 and May 2009.
People seem to have a ‘blind-spot’ when it comes to such things; it’s almost as if ordinary people unconsciously allow such things to go on, as if to confront such a horror would be too much for them to handle. I’m not saying that’s what’s happened with this case, but it happens with others. And it’s understandable.
You see, people with such sick desires, like Vanessa George, tend to naturally gravitate to positions where they can feed those desires, while decent, good-natured human beings will usually have a hard time considering that such perverse people even exist, let alone in their own lives. This then allows such sick people to get away with what they do, without exposure.

For example, a study conducted by vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police Jim Kouri, published at, reveals that psychopaths and politicians share many character traits.
‘Interpersonal traits [of psychopaths] include glibness, superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, and the manipulation of others. The affective traits include a lack of remorse and/or guilt, shallow affect, a lack of empathy, and failure to accept responsibility.’ Kouri writes. ‘These same traits exist in men and women who are drawn to high-profile and powerful positions in society including political officeholders.’
Does this mean that our leaders are psychopathic? Well, it certainly suggests that people that have an interest in exercising power gravitate to positions of power, as you would expect.
Now, consider how many tyrannical governments, governed by psychopaths, have existed throughout human history (which must be numbered in the thousands) compared with how many have actually been truly ‘free’ (which must be well below one hundred).
‘Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, injure, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse.’ Says Dr Kevin Barrett, co-founder of the Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth, in an article entitled ‘Twilight of the Psychopaths’. ‘Psychopaths have enjoyed a significant advantage over non-psychopaths in the struggle for power in civilizational hierarchies.’
The sad truth is, as this brief U.S history of human medical experimentation reveals, time and time again sick, psychopathic individuals have gotten into positions whereby they can carry out their desires on real, innocent human beings.

The case of the paedophile crimes involving nursery worker Vanessa George is somewhat comparable to a case in Jersey, a small island off the coast of France. In 2006, Jersey police began a covert investigation at Haute de la Garenne, a Children’s Home, after allegations of child abuse from former residents. The police found evidence of such activities taking place, evidence which included the remains of children, at the Home, and a number of charges against alleged abusers were filed.
Over time, around a hundred accusations of child abuse have surfaced, and at least one carer at the home has been arrested.
The investigation also began to unveil some evidence of a large scale, establishment-run paedophile ring, with an award-winning journalist working to expose the depth of the cover-up, and the Governor of the home between the 1970’s to the 1980’s being the island's Bailiff, Sir Philip Martin Bailhache!

Given that such powerful people are involved, it’s certainly possible that a cover-up is being conducted, and it definitely looks like that. Especially considering that Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, who had been leading the inquiry into the affair claimed that an ‘Old-boy network’ was obstructing the inquiry. "I can quite clearly say that the investigation is being held up. There are people on the island who just don't want us going down the route of this inquiry." He told the Telegraph.

The only way such a thing could go on for so long, and be covered up in the end, is not only because of the involvement of powerful people, but also because of the potential ramifications for the generally good-natured public. If a decent person were to stumble across the possibility of such a thing happening, the blinders go up (especially in relation to people in positions of power), and the whole thing stays ‘underground’. To admit to yourself that such horrific things can happen takes a lot of guts, not least because it means admitting that you may not live in the cosy little world you once thought! A lot of people would much rather leave investigations up to the ‘authorities’ than go about exposing such things themselves, which is a possible explanation for how, as mentioned previously, psychopaths could get away with horrible things in positions of power.

A common theme in psychopathic crimes is the influence of the Occult, whether it is serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer planning to build a Satanic shrine out of body parts to channel energies to himself (as confirmed by Dr Kelley Kline in this Slideshow Presentation), or the psychopathic mass-murderer Adolf Hitler being influenced by the occult

For example, back in 2008 a Democratic Party Official and her husband were accused of the kidnap, rape and starvation of another couple in North Carolina, and once again the occult connection emerged: the abuse was supposedly part of violent ‘satanic’ rituals. Joy Johnson, and her husband, Joseph Craig, are alleged to have met the abused couple through a shared interest in Satan worship, although the couple never consented to any physical abuse.
According to WorldNetDaily, Craig shackled the victims to beds, kept them in dog cages and starved them inside his home. Police said he beat the man with a cane and a cord, and raped the woman.
Craig was charged with second-degree rape, second-degree kidnapping and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon; his wife, vice-chairwoman of the Durham County Democratic Party and vice chairwoman of the Young Democrats, was charged with two counts of aiding and abetting. Joy Johnson was also apparently one of many people behind a New Age, Occult website called ‘Indigo Dawn’.

Now, this is not to say that all occult practitioners have psychopathic tendencies, far from it, but it really seems as though there is a correlation between psychopathic/perverse behaviour and an interest in the occult.

Take the Franklin Scandal for instance.

In 1988, during a federal investigation into a financial scandal at the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, allegations began to surface of a child prostitution ring being linked the Credit Union. State Senator Ernie Chambers stated to the Executive Board of the State Legislature in Lincoln that he had received numerous reports that instances of child sexual and physical abuse were linked to the financial scandal.

Eventually, Lawrence King, manager of the Credit Union, was convicted of embezzling thirty-eight million dollars, but the allegations of a child-prostitution ring did not lead to any arrests. A court grand jury concluded the allegations amounted to a: ‘carefully crafted hoax...scripted by a person or persons with considerable knowledge of the people and institutions of Omaha’ but failed to identify who perpetrated the hoax.

The allegations stated that Lawrence King was taking on youngsters from Boys Town to work at the Credit Union, but that he also secretly prostituted them at parties attended by many wealthy people. Child-sex-rings within the Republican Party, which reached all the way to the top, had claimed to have been uncovered. At the forefront of the allegations was State Senator Ernie Chambers, who stated that Lawrence King was ‘just the tip of an iceberg, and he's not in it by himself.’

Adding some weight to the claims was the fact that, in a seemingly unrelated event, the Washington Times had reported on June 29, 1989, it had uncovered a large-scale homosexual prostitution ring that connected into the White House. The article even claimed the sex-ring involved the ‘abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion’

A Documentary Film was made about the affair, called ‘Conspiracy of Silence’, which exposed how key witnesses, who claimed to have been victims of the sex-rings, were intimidated and attacked, and gave them a platform to get their accounts out.

(WARNING: video contains descriptions and investigation of disturbing sexual acts, viewer discretion advised)

Featured in the film was attorney and former Nebraska State Senator John Decamp, who claims that elite-run child-sex-rings are actually very widespread. In his book, The Franklin Cover-up, he shows how and why he believes the authorities attempted to cover-up the scandal and how such large-scale corruption can go on in positions of power. He also uncovers what he believes to be satanic cults that tie in to the elite-run prostitution-rings, once again revealing an occult connection to the alleged crimes.

As John Decamp states in the film: ‘in my opinion, [those covering up the Franklin Scandal] were protecting some very prominent politicians, some very powerful and wealthy individuals associated with those politicians and the political system, up to and including the highest political people in this entire country.’

An associate of his, retired FBI Agent Ted Gunderson, also claims to have uncovered large-scale networks of ‘satanic ritual abuse’, which involve some of the most powerful people in America. His research is based in part on what was uncovered in the Franklin Scandal, and his research into the murder of Dr. Jeffrey R Macdonald.

(Click here to see a fan-made website full of Gunderson’s work)

Gunderson says the victims of such prostitution-rings are sometimes under MKULTRA-type mind-control.

MKULTRA was the codename for a series of experiments conducted by the CIA from the 1950’s to around the late 1960’s that were centred on artificially influencing and breaking down a persons mind. They involved subjecting test subjects to large doses of hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs, and studying the use and effect of chemical, biological, and radiological means of mind control, as well as hypnosis.

There is evidence to suggest that the MKULTRA experiments have never really stopped, which supports the assertions of people like Ted Gunderson.

For example, CIA veteran, and co-author of the book the CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Victor Marchetti, says that the CIA consistently engages in disinformation campaigns, and has asserted that the claim that MKULTRA has finished is a cover-story. CIA Director Leon Panetta has admitted that the CIA has regularly lied to Congress since the year 2001, giving weight to Marchetti’s claim.

In this segment of a film by Film Director Chris Everard, you can clearly see, at around 5.05, two examples of what appear to be a person’s mind-programming breaking down in the middle of an interview…

A woman called Cathy O’Brien claims to have been involved in these prostitution-rings, where mind-programming is apparently used to create ‘sex-slaves’. She and her ‘deprogrammer’ Mark Phillips produced a book called ‘Trance-Formation of America’ that details their claims, and according to them, a major centre for the networks is a place called ‘Bohemian Grove’.

Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground inside a redwood forest 70 miles north of San Francisco. It is a secretive retreat for the all-male Bohemian Club, a club which consists of some of the most powerful men in the world. The Club has included members of very wealthy families, such as members of the Bush and Rockefeller families, and the Club has an annual encampment and engage in bizarre rituals at the Grove. In 2000 investigative reporter Alex Jones successfully infiltrated the Grove, and managed to film the ‘Cremation of Care’ ritual, when what is believed to be an effigy is burnt in sacrifice to a 40-foot stone owl called ‘Moloch’. Jones published the shocking footage in his documentary ‘Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove’. Alex Jones points out that the programme for the ceremony clearly has the silhouette of a child’s skeleton edited into the flames, as if the child had been burnt alive.
Though Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips claim that actual human sacrifices are carried out there, as well as the mock-sacrifice, Alex Jones reported that neither he nor his crew saw any evidence of such real sacrifices taking place in the Grove.

A satirical portrayal of Bohemian Grove

As Jones points out in his follow-up film Order of Death, it is a documented fact that members of the Grove engage in homosexual orgies, and have gay porn stars specially flown to service the Club.

If you think it unlikely that people such as George W Bush would engage in homosexual orgies, then think again. Remember when it came out in the news, in 2005, that a member of the White House press corps, a ‘Jeff Gannon’, was actually James Dale Guckert, a gay escort? Reporters looked into his background when he started asking biased questions of then-President Bush, and found that his journalistic credentials weren’t what they had expected, to say the least. The Secret Service record shows that Guckert visited the White House when there were no press events, and even appears to have spent a few nights there.

Not to say that there is anything wrong with such behaviour (gay orgies, etc), but why do our leaders insist on such a high level of secrecy regarding such things? Surely, in a free and open society, we should have the right to know about our leaders engaging in occult ceremonies, etc? Apparently the ‘Grovers’, et al, think otherwise…

The Bush family are no strangers to the dark side of the occult, either. George W Bush and his father (as well as much of the male side of the Bush family) are members of the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University. The society has as its members some of the most powerful people in America, for example, past members have included President Howard Taft and W Averell Harriman.
The society’s headquarters is a place called the ‘Tomb’, an ominous looking building at Yale campus where the ‘Bonesmen’ (the members of Skull and Bones) meet. Their symbol is a skull-and-crossbones, with their ‘magic number’ 322 emblazoned beneath.
Their ‘Tomb’ is full of death imagery and skull-and-crossbones’, and new initiates into the order have to undertake macabre and somewhat disturbing ritualistic initiations.
In 2001 New York Observer investigative journalist Ron Rosenbaum and a crew of cameramen managed to secretly videotape one of their bizarre ritualistic initiations. Parts of the videotape ended up on national news, and revealed some very strange and macabre behaviour.

The madness does not stop there, either.

In her book, Secrets of the Tomb, author Alexandra Robbins reports that the ‘Bonesmen’ enjoy stealing treasured objects and hoarding them in the ‘Tomb’. Alexandra writes that according to various reports Prescott Bush actually stole the skull of Native American Leader Geronimo, and stored it in the ‘Tomb’. However, she writes, it later turned out that what was claimed to be the skull of Geronimo in the ‘Tomb’ was found to be the skull of a 5 year-old child, that the Bonesmen had been treasuring all along. The ‘Tomb’ also reportedly contains many other prized, grisly ‘artefacts’, such as various animal skeletons, and what may or may not be other real human skulls and remains.

Both George H W Bush (a Bonesman) and Dick Cheney are named by Cathy O’Brien as being deeply involved in the alleged sex-slave prostitution-rings.
Oddly enough, Dick Cheney was named as a possible user of the D. C. Madame Deborah Jeane Palfrey’s female escort service ‘Pamela Martin and Associates’, which the government claimed was an ‘illegal prostitution ring’. Deborah Palfrey ended up dying in what was reported as a ‘suicide’, but actually looked more like a murder.

These networks do not appear to be confined just to the U.S; they also appear to be active in Europe as well. For example, Frederic Mitterrand, nephew of the French President Francois Mitterrand who had the glass pyramid at the Louvre erected, wrote in his autobiography about how he paid for sex with young boys in Thailand. In ‘The Bad Life’ he writes: ‘I got into the habit of paying for boys… All these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market excite me enormously.’ He wrote: ‘One could judge this abominable spectacle from a moral standpoint but it pleases me beyond the reasonable.’ This disgusting, sickening man is France’s current Culture Minister, and has been defending Roman Polanski (director of Rosemary’s Baby, which features an underground satanic network) for raping a 13-year-old girl!

it also emerged in September of this year that Britian's ambassador for schools in Europe was sacked over Child Porn charges. Ken Browne, of Dorothy Stringer High School in Brighton, was arrested over the summer holidays on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children, police said, which has an eerie resonance with the case of nursery worker Vanessa George discussed at the beginning of the article.

The paedophile network that emerged in Belgium in 1996, and became known as the ‘Dutroux Affair’, had some satanic themes, with some even claiming that it was part of a much wider network

Also, an extremely mild form of occult, ritualistic behaviour came out in 2007 when European royalty were reported to be attending ‘Eyes-Wide-Shut’-type parties

People with sick desires, as I have said earlier, will rise to positions whereby they can feed those desires. The only answer to this is that we become aware of such a problem, and become vigilant with regard to our leaders and people in positions of power. As Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying: ‘The price of freedom is eternal vigilance’ and this entirely true: we need to investigate people who take on positions of great responsibility.
As the evidence presented here suggests, the Elite of our society indeed have risen to power largely to feed their desires for control, and have indeed gravitated towards their powerful positions because of their sick mentality. We cannot allow a repeat, in our modern age, of the horrific crimes of monarchs such as Vlad Dracul, or Erzebet Bathory, to name just a few.

‘Today, thanks to new information technologies, we are on the brink of unmasking the psychopaths and building a civilization of, by and for the normal human being — a civilization without war, a civilization based on truth, a civilization in which the saintly few rather than the diabolical few would gravitate to positions of power.’ writes Dr Kevin Barrett.
‘We already have the knowledge necessary to diagnose psychopathic personalities and keep them out of power. We have the knowledge necessary to dismantle the institutions in which psychopaths especially flourish — militaries, intelligence agencies, large corporations, and secret societies. We simply need to disseminate this knowledge, and the will to use it, as widely as possible.’

For more information on Elite-run prostitution-rings, visit the Prisonplanet archive.

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