To read Part 1, please click here
Assassinated President of America John F Kennedy speaks of the ‘conspiracy’ of the world’s ruling elite.
‘Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.’ – Former President of the United States Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)
The force Wilson is referring to in the above quote is what has become known as the world’s ‘Superclass’ – the Global Elite.
The book ‘Superclass’ by David Rothkopf
Even scholars at the Carnegie Endowment have had to concede that yes, indeed, there is a global ‘Superclass’, a world-wide ruling class of super-rich and super-powerful people who largely control the world’s major resources, corporations, banks, and governments.
The book pictured above was written by David Rothkopf, a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment and former member of Kissinger Associates.
In the book, he displays how this global group of the super-powerful exist across the world and who they mostly are, but he fails to truly identify their true goals and shadowy methods and to be honest, the book is mostly a white-wash.
The Carnegie Endowment was originally founded in 1910 by robber-baron Andrew Carnegie, a major globalist banker and, through the Carnegie Institution in Washington, a supporter and major part of the elitist (and racist) Eugenics movements of the 1920s/1930s. The Fabian economist and sociologist Beatrice Webb described Carnegie as a ‘slimy little reptile’.
In the 1950’s, the Reece Committee Investigation found that the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (to give its full name) had actually been dedicated to stimulating war! Their rationale was that in order to bring great changes to the American way of life, the US should get involved in major wars, since wars have an incredible way of changing a country.
According to Norman Dodd, the head of the Reece Committee: ‘[the Carnegie Endowment], in a meeting in 1917, had the brashness to congratulate themselves on the wisdom of their original decision because already the impact of war indicated it would alter life and can alter life in this country…they even had the brashness to word and to dispatch a telegram to [President] Wilson; cautioning him to see that the [First World War] did not end too quickly’
Could you expect a scholar of the Carnegie Endowment (and a former member of elitist/globalist Henry Kissinger’s ‘Kissinger Associates’) to pull the veil down on the methods and techniques of the Global Elite’s real agenda? The answer would of course be ‘I think not’, and Rothkopf confirmed that by publishing his white-wash of a book.
A much better exposé of the Global Elite Superclass is the film ‘Invisible Empire’, released only this year by film-maker and nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host Jason Bermas. The film shows exactly who this world Elite is, and what their goals are and their methods of getting there (including assassinating prominent people who stand in their way).
As I have explained in previous blogs, their goal is, in short, to centralise power in the world into fewer and fewer hands, through the United Nations, the World Bank/IMF, the European Union, the African Union, the North American Union, etc, until eventually a planetary World Government is formed, a World State, unifying all the peoples of the planet under one global dictatorship.
Both the UK and the US are now globally recognised as oppressive regimes, with the United Kingdom ranked the worlds 6th worst electronic police state (with the US coming in at 5th) in a study conducted by a US internet security company, which put the UK 4 steps away from Communist China! As you can see, the Elite’s agenda is well underway.
In order to achieve world control, they need to conquer and control the world’s nations. They utilise propaganda and false-threats in order to invade and control different countries and bring them under their global corporate/financial system.
For example, after the failed attempt of complete control of Iraq through the Gulf War launched by George H W Bush, in 2003 the Global Elite launched the Iraq War (or as it is now renamed, Operation New Dawn). George H W Bushes son, then-President George W Bush, and Colin Powell and their fellow Neo-Cons, claimed that the Iraqis were amassing Weapons of Mass Destruction to use against us to kill us all. So, in retaliation, we invaded! However, the establishment media later had to admit that the Weapons of Mass Destruction had actually been a hoax (among them Fox News and CNN, who had gone with the WMD propaganda and whipped up support for the war) in order to get us into Iraq. The WMDs had been the false-threat, it got us scared enough to support an invasion.
Think the Bush families’ connection to big oil, and the major oil corporations’ desire to harvest Iraq’s huge oil reserves, had anything to do with the decision to invade…? Of course it did! The Superclass Elites (of which the Bush family are a major part) wanted to bring Iraq deeply into their world system of financial and corporate control. George H W Bush said that the Gulf War he had launched had been part of constructing what he called the ‘New World Order’ – a term the Elites use to describe this system of world control. The Elites wanted the Oil and direct control of that region.
Since it came out that the Weapons of Mass Destruction were a hoax, there has been much public resistance and protest against the wars in the Middle-East. It’s been a constant effort for the establishment to maintain support for the war, especially when it comes out that there have been horrific human rights abuses and slaughters of innocent civilians, which you would expect under any authoritarian system. Nazi Germany, the British Empire, Soviet Russia, and what George H W Bush calls ‘the New World Order’ (the Global Elite’s world system), it’s all the same kind of psychopathic system at the end of the day.
The Iraq war has led to the deaths of over an estimated 1,000,000 civilians, one of which was 62-year-old Iraqi grandmother Sabiha Khudur Talib, who was gunned down in her house by British military gunfire. Her relatives claim that she was led away from her house by the British military, after being wounded by their gunfire, and was then tortured and thrown at the roadside by them after being executed. The UK Daily Mail newspaper said:
‘Ministers are to be handed crime reports filed by Basra police that conclude Mrs Talib's body was dumped by a roadside in a British bodybag in November 2006.
Injuries to her face were consistent with torture and she had been shot in the abdomen.
Lawyers for Mrs Talib's family say they are preparing legal action in the High Court against the MOD.’
It is now accepted fact that innocent people have been taken to ‘prisons’ (in reality, torture dungeons) like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, etc, to be physically and emotionally tortured mercilessly by the military.
A 41-year-old British Muslim, Moazzam Begg, was detained in the Guantanamo bay torture facility after he went to Afghanistan with his wife and children in order to help the local people living under the Taliban regime, by starting a school and providing water pumps for them. He was arrested in January 2002 by Pakistani police and the CIA, and was held in a windowless cellar at the Bagram air base for nearly a year, and was tortured after being classified as an ‘enemy combatant’ by the US government. He was later released without any charges brought against him.
A British Muslim called Ruhal Ahmed was detained for three years at the Guantanamo Bay torture facility, and said that he had witnessed a nine-year-old child also imprisoned there, who had been tortured in the same fashion as the rest of the inmates.
Military ‘prisons’ like Abu Ghraib should more accurately be called torture dungeons
Photos from Abu Ghraib in Iraq, which President Obama attempted to censor and cover-up, depicted the sexual abuse of detainees, including rape of female prisoners, which included the use of objects such as a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube.
The London Telegraph said:
‘Maj Gen Taguba’s internal inquiry into the abuse at Abu Ghraib included sworn statements by 13 detainees, which, he said in the report, he found “credible based on the clarity of their statements and supporting evidence provided by other witnesses.”
Among the graphic statements, which were later released under US freedom of information laws, is that of Kasim Mehaddi Hilas in which he says: “I saw [name of a translator] ******* a kid, his age would be about 15 to 18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn’t covered and I saw [name] who was wearing the military uniform, putting his **** in the little kid’s ***…. and the female soldier was taking pictures.”’
The sexual abuse of women and children at Abu Ghraib has since been confirmed by the aforementioned US Military investigator Major General Antonio Taguba.
The documentary film ‘Taxi to the Dark Side’, which was broadcast on the BBC in 2007, does a good job of detailing and explaining the kinds of torture techniques that are used in places such as Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, and I would recommend viewing it if you can, in order to understand the depth and seriousness of what I’m talking about here.
The film goes into detail about the case of Dilawar, an innocent 22-year-old taxi driver from the small village of Yakubi in Afghanistan, who was detained in a US military prison in Bagram.
Dilawar was subjected to torture methods that included:
• A black hood pulled over his head limiting his ability to breathe
• Knee strikes to the abdomen
• Over 100 peroneal (a nerve behind the kneecap) strikes
• Shoved against a wall
• Pulled by his beard
• His bare feet stepped on
• Kicks to the groin
• Chained to the ceiling for extended hours, depriving him of sleep
• Slammed his chest into a table front
He eventually died from the severe beatings.
The film ‘Taxi to the Dark Side’ explains how Dilawar would be so delirious from the torture that he would cry out into the cell to his mother as if his mother were also in the cell with him.
It has also emerged that since the US-led invasion, hundreds of Iraqis were detained at Abu Ghraib, even though they posed no threat to US forces, some of them for simply showing a dislike for the occupying US government, and some of which were even interrogated.
Footage from the film ‘No End in Sight’ of a contractor shooting at Iraqi civilian cars
Like I said earlier, it has been one hell of a job for much of the Global Elite to shape public opinion in support of the war, and the mainstream corporate news networks have really had their work cut out.
When the video from one of two Apache helicopters hunting for insurgents on 12 July 2007 in Iraq, which recorded the US forces massacring Iraqi civilians and journalists in Baghdad while the troops laughed about it, was released by Wikileaks, the war-supporting media went well beyond the pale trying to justify it. Two children were also badly wounded in the shooting, but fortunately survived.
CFR stooge Brett McGurk blamed clearly non-existent ‘fog of war’ for the shooting, while Neo-Con blogger Ed Morrissey pushed credibility to delusional extremes by claiming that the Iraqis had somehow been aiming RPG’s at the Apache helicopter.
‘A military investigation concluded that the ‘RPG’ was really a long-range photography lens and the camera looked like an AK-47’ Sky News concluded.
‘The video clearly shows that the vehicle in question bore no markings of a rescue vehicle at all, and the men who ran out of the van to grab the wounded man wore no uniforms identifying themselves as such.’ Morrissey rambled. ‘Under any rules of engagement, and especially in a terrorist hot zone like Baghdad in 2007, that vehicle would properly be seen as support for the terrorists that had just been engaged and a legitimate target for US forces.’
However, retired intelligence officer Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stated in an MSNBC interview that based on his analysis (not the ramblings of a vehement Neo-Con blogger), the US troops were clearly in violation of the Rules of Engagement.
I should also mention that two soldiers from the same company as those involved in the shooting have since issued a public apology for the behaviour of those troops, and stated that the footage only begins to depict the suffering endured by the Iraqi people as a result of the invasion.
An estimated 1,000,000 real civilians have been killed as a result of the invasion of Iraq, many of them children
US soldiers speaking out against Iraq war
The Elite need to keep us dehumanised to such atrocities so such things don’t mean much to us anymore, and we don’t resist their authoritarian system. The military also needs to keep recruiting youngsters, so a career in the army taking over nations for the Global Elite needs to look cool and appealing to the younger generations, in spite of the dark revelations of the true nature of the wars they are waging.
The dictionary definition of ‘dehumanised’ explains that it is: ‘to make somebody less human or make something boringly routine’. Torture, murder and massacre have indeed been made a largely ‘acceptable’ part of our modern culture with films and TV shows like ‘24’ where the main character utilises torture to get answers (even though answers derived under torture are not really reliable).
A US soldier caught throwing a puppy off a cliff and then laughing – there was a big outcry against this – but where’s the big outcry when human beings are treated just as bad? Have we been dehumanised?
In the 1985 science fiction novel ‘Ender’s Game’ by author Orson Scott Card, a group of kids playing video games discover they are actually being used by the military to fight real wars, and as the saying goes, ‘art imitates life’, which certainly applies in this case. Except that modern day video games are being used by the military to train, desensitise, and prepare the young people of today for supporting and fighting the wars of the Global Elite for the ‘New World Order’.
The US Military and the CIA have been openly using video games to train their troops, as this MSNBC article explains:
‘Increasingly, the Pentagon is joining forces with the video games industry to train and recruit soldiers. The U.S. Army considers such simulators vital for recruits who’ve been weaned on shoot ’em up games.
Even the Central Intelligence Agency is developing a role-playing computer simulation to train analysts.
“We know that most of our soldiers know how to use a game pad,” said Michael Macedonia, chief scientist at the Army’s Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation in Orlando, Fla. “Every kid figures out the controls pretty fast.”
For years, the U.S. armed forces have used big, sophisticated simulators with hydraulics, wall-sized video screens and realistic cockpits. But such gear costs millions of dollars — far too pricey even by military standards to be widely available.
And that’s why video games make sense.’
Colonel John Alexander’s Project JEDI in the year 1984 envisioned using ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’ and creative visualisations to train soldiers, but nowadays video game technology serves the purpose.
The notoriously addictive and hyper-violent video game ‘Doom’ was adapted by the US marines in the 90’s for use training troops, the remake being called ‘Marine Doom’. The game was then released for commercial use. The Marine Corps Combat and Development Command had evaluated more than 30 commercially available electronic games for their potential use as training tools for marines.
Screenshots of Marine Doom
As this article on the ‘Marine Doom’ video game says:
‘In today's military, computer simulation is increasingly taking the place of conventional training exercises. No longer must war games simply involve elaborate flight trainers or tank simulators in which highly trained officers learn how to handle multimillion-dollar death machines.’
Computerised simulations are now beginning to take hold.
As far back as the 1980s, Atari's popular game ‘BattleZone’ was made for both commercial use and use by the US military, and was used as a ‘Bradley Fighting Vehicle’ training simulator, one of the US arsenals' best anti-personnel devices.
The US Department of Defense awarded a 1997 contract to MAK Technologies to create ‘Marine Exed Unit 2000’, an amphibious assault game intended for both military and commercial markets.
The video game ‘America’s Army’ was created and published by the US Military, can be downloaded or picked up at recruitment offices, and has become a huge hit. It has attained 1.5 million registered users who endure a basic training regiment complete with barbed-wire obstacle courses and target practice, and won ‘Best Original Game’ and ‘Best Simulation’ awards in 2003 at ‘Electronic Entertainment Expo’, the video game industry’s annual trade show.
Screenshot of ‘America’s Army’. As you can see, simulations have become a hell of a lot more realistic than in the days of ‘Marine Doom’
In 2007, the activist group ‘Iraq Veterans Against War’ assembled outside of military recruiters at America's Center and protested the use of the ‘America’s Army’ game to propagandise and train youngsters for the military, shouting: ‘War is not a game!’
‘Empowered Muslim Youth’, an Islamic blog, criticised the game, saying:
‘Computer War-games have increased tenfolds (sic) since the global war on terrorism invaded our minds and ears in 2001, with most of the games targeted towards a young audience…These visual games are a perfect opportunity to psychologically prepare and even mentally train children to fight in battle… There is no doubt that this well-thought tactic, issued by high-ranking governmental officials, and it is not very surprising...Brainwashing the youth to fight in almost real-life situations which a solider would face if fighting in Iraq for instance, is most definitely a way to recruit more soldiers for the future’
The video game ‘Full Spectrum Warrior’, developed by major video-game developer THQ Inc, originated when the US military recognised that a high percentage of incoming recruits had grown up using entertainment software products. A US Army University Affiliated Research Center, the Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) worked with the CIA, Sony Imageworks, and Pandemic Studios and began working on the project, which eventually led to a game published for the Xbox as ‘Full Spectrum Warrior’ in 2003.
The game has been tested at Fort Benning in Alabama, and in the game, squad-leaders learn how to command nine soldiers in complex, confusing urban warfare scenarios.
The effect of the CIA version of the game, CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield told MSNBC, is that ‘Our analysts would be accustomed to looking at the world from the perspective of the terrorists we are chasing, and learn to expect the unexpected’ so it helps train the military and maintains the ‘terrorism threat’ hysteria! Good work, guys…
‘This screen shot of "Full Spectrum Warrior," provided by THQ Inc., shows a courtyard with the squad leader signalling his troops to line up against a wall. It plays and looks like a game, but it's really a tool for the U.S. Army’ says an MSNBC article
The video game ‘Guard Force’ was also developed by the US military – the Army National Guard, and American video-game publisher, developer, and distributor, ‘Take 2 Interactive’, and can also be downloaded or picked up at recruitment offices.
The game is punctuated by commercials advertising the thrills of the National Guard according to MSNBC, but has not been quite as successful as ‘America’s Army’
Given the sheer scale of incredibly popular video games for Xbox, PS3, etc, that revolve around modern warfare, it surely wouldn’t be too strange to suggest that the Military and the Intelligence Agencies are doing a bit more than they have publicly announced…
Since most games nowadays consist of mostly running around with a gun like a soldier shooting zombies, monsters, terrorists or whatever, (as opposed to the olden days of gaming with colourful psychedelic scenery like Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog) I would say that is probably what is happening.
The horrific violence in the video footage of the ‘Baghdad massacre’ that I talked about earlier is far surpassed by modern day video games. In fact, as you can see demonstrated in the video below called ‘Violence in Video games and the Baghdad Massacre’, the footage of the view of the troops is extremely similar to the graphics of the hugely popular game series ‘Call of Duty’, in which brutal, merciless, barbaric behaviour is rewarded with various achievements. The games graphically depict and reward the torture of captured enemy combatants, burning prisoners alive with Molotov cocktails, shooting soldiers who surrender, and the terrorist slaughter of civilians in a Russian airport
In 2008, the US Army invested $50 million in the development of video games and consoles to be used for training soldiers for combat.
‘With the new platform and games, Army programmers hope to offer more life-like reproductions of battlefield scenarios, offering editable terrains, a greater capacity for multi-player action and larger battlefields’ writes Switched.
This video displays the incredible similarity between the view of the soldiers killing the Baghdad civilians, and the computer game ‘Call of Duty’
A study conducted by experts at the Radiological Society of North America found major differences in the brain activity of people playing violent video games to people playing non-violent ones. The study noted that playing on violent video games corresponded with increased activity in the area of the brain that governs emotions, on the other hand the activity in the area that deals with self-control, focus, and concentration decreased notably.
‘After playing the violent video game, that group of adolescents showed significantly more activation in the amygdala, which is a part of the brain involved in emotional arousal,’ said study author and professor of radiology at Indiana University School of Medicine Dr. Vincent Matthews. ‘Areas of the brain involved in self-control, inhibition and attention showed less activation in those who played the violent video game compared to those who played the non-violent video game.’
Greg Snyder, a psychologist at Omaha’s Children’s Hospital stated, ‘Exposure to violent video games, even E rated video games, increases aggressive thoughts, increases pro-social behavior and increases general arousal. The more normal it is, the more likely it is they’re going to activate or engage in those [high-emotional] behaviors when provoked or even unprovoked.’
Violent video-game addicts should fit in well in the ‘New World Order’, then.
Video-game addiction is a serious issue
Video-game developers, including developers of some of the biggest video-games out right now, openly say that they use scientific behavioural-psychology to condition players into becoming addicted to the game itself.
John Hopson, a games researcher at Microsoft who worked on many games including the ‘Halo’ series and the ‘Age of Empires’ series, writes in his noticeably creepy article ‘Behavioural Game Design’:
‘The techniques that I'll discuss in this article generally fall under the heading of behavioral psychology. Best known for the work done on animals in the field, behavioral psychology focuses on experiments and observable actions…What behavioral psychologists look for (and what will be our focus here) are general "rules" for learning and for how minds respond to their environment…. What is being offered here is not a blueprint for perfect games, it is a primer to some of the basic ways people react to different patterns of rewards. Every computer game is implicitly asking its players to react in certain ways.’
He cites the work of B F Skinner, a behavioural psychologist, who developed what has become known as the ‘Skinner Box’ – named after the kind of experiments he conducted on small mammals such as rats. He would place a rat in a box (pigeons and primates have also been used), and would develop certain habits and mental processes in the rat by rewarding or punishing different acts.
Reading John Hopson’s article, you can see clearly that he sees the Skinner Box as very relevant to game design, almost as if the video game ITSELF is a ‘Skinner Box’ for the player, in which a habitual pattern of thoughts and behaviours is developed through punishment and reward. In fact, games researcher Nick Yee once called ‘Everquest’ (an online fantasy video game) a ‘Virtual Skinner Box’.
As Hopson writes:
‘Each [set of rules governing when rewards are given out in the game] is an arrangement of time, activity, and reward, and there are an infinite number of ways these elements can be combined to produce the pattern of activity you want from your players’
In the article, Hopson illustrates his theories of game design with pictures of the rat in Skinner’s ‘Operant Condition Chamber’ – the ‘Skinner Box’.
Hopson’s article does not feature words such as ‘fun’ or ‘enjoyment’ because that’s not what it’s about – it’s about manufacturing the sort of behavioural habits that the games developers consider desirable.
Behavioural Psychologist B F Skinner and an Operant Conditioning chamber
B F Skinner wrote a fiction book of a supposedly Utopian world in which there is no more independent thought – only scientifically managed and created ones – called ‘Walden Two’. Is Skinner’s fantasy world slowly becoming a reality?
The ‘rewards’ in the virtual-simulation world of Skinnerian video games come in a digital form; they have no real-world significance. But to hardcore gamers, that doesn’t make them any less rewarding, since it takes so much concentration, time, and effort to gain them. Your brain will attach significance to the reward, even if it doesn’t really exist and does nothing for you in the real world, since it took blood, sweat and tears to achieve it (and being a former game-a-holic, I can personally testify to that being true...)
This is how games such as ‘Second Life’ (literally a second, virtual-reality life in which real money is used to buy in-game goods) become so popular. The top court in South Korea ruled this year that in-game virtual-reality goods are to be treated legally as real goods, and virtual-reality goods are now an industry worth billions of dollars – because these digital trinkets MEAN things to people.
The game might not be real, but it is a simulation of reality. In fact, the video game ‘The Sims’, in which you basically have a simulated video-game life to live, is short for ‘The Simulations’, and the title of the game ‘Sim City’ is short for ‘Simulation City’ – that’s what video games are, they’re simulations.
Our natural hunter-gatherer instincts are being exploited by such games, keeping us continually hoarding diamonds, coins; ‘unlocking achievements’, whatever digital medallions are dreamed-up next.
In-game rewards of violent behaviour, then (such as that in ‘Call of Duty’, etc), would really mean something to the gamer, whereas the punishment for failing to comply with your ‘mission’ is rather frustrating. If used in a sophisticated ‘Skinnerian’ fashion, these techniques from the game developer would result in extremely subtle psychological conditioning, in which simulated violent, psychopathic behaviour is fostered, and simulated dissent is punished.
Another way games developers attempt to get you addicted is through using what are known as ‘Variable Ratio Rewards’. If we picture the video game as a Skinner Box again, the rat in the box is the gamer, and the experimenting scientist (game developer) wants to get the rat addicted to pressing the lever for food pellets – the reward. So how do they do this? They can’t just give a food pellet every time the lever is pressed, because the rat will only press the lever when it needs food. So, instead, they set up the lever so it releases food pellets – rewards – at random intervals of lever-pressing. In the experiments conducted, the rat did indeed addictively press the ‘lever’ as much as he could.
This is a part of ‘Operant Conditioning’ – the kind of scientific methods of conditioning I’ve been explaining. A good example of this technique is a Slot Machine – you never know exactly when the ‘food pellet’ reward (the money) will drop, so you keep on and on and on pressing the buttons – the lever – and spending your hard-earned cash because the very next one could be the winner – the very next one could drop the food pellet.
This is used widely in games such as ‘World of Warcraft’, which is a notoriously life-consuming, addictive game. The Chinese ‘ZT Online’ uses this technique – treasure chests in the game may or may not contain an item of some kind, but to open them you need to spend real-life money in buying little keys for them! The game is hugely addictive, and a special item is given to the player who opens the most treasure chests in a whole day. One woman was so obsessed with this game and its treasure chests that she opened thousands every day, according to this article.
The use of the occult symbol of the ‘all-seeing-eye’ in World of Warcraft sure is relevant – the game designers have all the knowledge of human psychology up in the capstone – the mass of gamers have no clue in the pyramid beneath them.
These video games, whether it’s ‘Farmville’, ‘World of Warcraft’, ‘Call of Duty’, whatever, are so attractive to a lot of people because it provides a simulation of life that is so much MORE quick-and easy than real life rewards and achievements. A study conducted by Investigators at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published in 2009 found a noticeable link between video-game playing and health risks in adults. And that would probably be because video-game addicts will usually end up fat singletons with no real prospects in life.
As in any addiction case, whether its drugs, sports, whatever, the addiction takes the place of real life, and with video games, real game-addicts spend their time, incredible intelligence, and hunter-gatherer instincts on the video game, rather than in the real world, with detrimental results. As a result, there are less incredible, bright, intelligent people resisting the Global Elite’s Agenda, and the Elitists are laughing all the way to the bank.
A major technique used by the Elites to prepare the population for a major event is something called ‘predictive programming’. They plan on, say, invading a certain country under some kind of pretext, so they need to condition the public mind ready to accept it, mainly through social media. The unfolding of events in the real world then appears to be a logical sequence of events, since the public naturally never suspect that they are being prepared for major geopolitical events.
The video-game ‘Ghost Recon’, based on an storyline by author Tom Clancy, is a prime example of this. In the game, according to Wikipedia:
‘The Ghosts [a fictional US Special Forces squad] battle Georgian rebels who are harassing the legitimate government and its allies. Their presence forces the Russian government to complain to the United Nations that the Americans have interfered in their affairs and eventually send in the army to aid the rebels. The Ghosts slow down the invading forces while foreign nationals evacuate the country.’
Everything about that is EXTREMELY similar to what later happened even down to the year 2008; The US military sneak-attacked South Ossetia in Russia through Georgia, in an attempt to further raise tensions for a third-world-war involving Russia. The main difference in the game is that the whole thing is slanted to be pro-US military, when in 2008 the US were clearly the aggressor.
Trailer of the Ghost Recon game
Kids that played the game and saw that trailer in 2002, would have been 6 years older by 2008. The general age for playing such games would be anything from around 13 – 28 years old. Would the young people playing that game be of perfect age in the world for the conditioning as the US-led operation unfolded, especially if some of them later joined the military?
News segment on the 2008 conflict
The video-game conditioning campaign is not the only trick the Global Elitists have up their sleeve. On its own, I seriously doubt such a campaign could successfully maintain support (or just apathy) towards the tyrannical wars and globalist agenda among the youth. The video-game campaign is allied with other, more powerful campaigns, such as campaigns involving movies and music.
In his book ‘Propaganda’, the nephew of psychologist Sigmund Freud and legendary propagandist, Edward Bernays (who coined the term ‘Public Relations’), suggests that a political campaign – such as, say, a presidential campaign – would be hugely successful if it got cultural leaders on board to publicly support the object of the campaign – say, a presidential candidate.
This is exactly what is used today.
A TV advert in which top celebrities (cultural leaders) pledge cult-like allegiance to the Obama government
The amount of artists and ‘celebrities’ that have sold their souls to the ‘establishment’ of the Global Elite is incredible. And by ‘selling-out’, I don’t mean simply making music for money, or adapting music or image to appeal to a wider audience or anything like that – I mean literally vesting their identity in a false paradigm that apologises and attempts to cover-up the atrocities I explained earlier.
Product-placement in films is an example of this technique in use, or Tiger Woods publicly wearing Nike, even though Nike has been found to use third-world slave-labour to make their products.
In 2009 Oakley recruited skateboarder and MTV star Ryan Sheckler to endorse and sell some ‘New World Order’ shades…
3 Doors Down’s ‘Citizen Solider’. ‘Wow, how cool are soldiers? I wanna be a soldier, and bring in some New World Order tyranny!’
A prime example is that of artist Rihanna’s music video and AMA performance for her song ‘Hard’.
If you don’t appreciate women throwing themselves around in degrading ways, you might not want to watch this video
The whole video is aimed at your BASE instincts – there’s sexual innuendos left right and centre and Rihanna throws herself around like a giant piece of flesh trying to look as sexually attractive as possible. Well, you know, maybe the military butchering innocent Iraqis and raping kids isn’t so bad, I mean, Rihanna obviously supports them, and she makes damn catchy music. The uniforms look so awesome as well; Rihanna looks so hot in it!
Um excuse me, I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous and such a blatant piece of conditioning I can’t believe anyone takes it seriously. It might work on zit-faced teens, but it don’t work on me.
The techniques of propaganda today are a million times what they were in Bernays’ days, aren’t they, Gordon?
Many artists have also sold themselves out to the establishment’s push for a police-state society – that is, militarised police, big-brother government, etc. Rihanna’s performance, of her song ‘Hard’ at the AMA music awards in 2009, featured men in riot masks with shotguns as dancers.
Find more videos like this on HOLLYHOODHDTV.COM
Rihanna’s performance of ‘Hard’ at the AMA music awards
Artist Beyonce Knowles’ performance at the Grammys also featured dancers in riot gear… the exact kind of riot gear militarized police would use to suppress the population in a police state!
Beyonce’s performance at the Grammys. Do police in black uniforms look cool to you…?
Reggaeton artist Daddy Yankee also used dancers in futuristic police-state-uniforms at his performance at the ‘Premio La Nuestro’ awards in Miami in 2010.
If what you’ve read so far has shocked you or seemed ‘controversial’ or something, please strap yourself in because things are about to get a whole lot more shocking for this last segment…
The future of video gaming and computing seems to be moving more towards it’s next phase – that of bodily implants and implanted microchips necessary to interface with machines in ways that would have been impossible in previous phases.
Sega games developer Yu Suzuki believes that the future of gaming will be such that microchip implants will be used to play video games. He told an interviewer:
‘In Medicine, you have artificial heart devices, or people that have some sort of chips in their bodies, to be able to keep track of vital signs. So, it doesn't have to be a scary thing, but you could put a sensor here (points to his arm). You know, a bit like in The Matrix.
It's not really something only in the future, some people already have them, chips in their bodies.’
Researchers at computer-giant Intel’s Pittsburgh labs are aiming to develop brain implants that will be used to operate mechanical devices such as TVs, cell phones, and computers through brainwaves. They aim to develop the technology ready for 2020, and predict that consumers will move away from gadgetry such as Iphones, etc, and move towards using such brain implants to operate their gadgetry.
In fact, car manufacturer Honda have already developed technology that allows a person to remotely control a robot through thought alone.
IT-World said:
‘The system, which was developed with the Japanese government-affiliated Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International and precision equipment maker Shimadzu, builds on previous work announced three years ago towards a possible future where devices can be controlled by thought.
In 2006 Honda and ATR researchers managed to get a robotic hand to move by analyzing brain activity using a large MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner like that found in hospitals.
The latest work is a step more advanced and measures the electrical activity in a person's brain using electroencephalography (EEG) and blood flow within the brain using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to produce data that is then interpreted into control information. It requires no physical movement’
Electronic implants are coming into focus in other areas of society, as well – scientists are working on developing brain implants to stimulate sexual activity in people with a low sex-drive.
The VeriChip Corporation has been providing Radio-Frequency Identificiation (RFID) chips to be implanted in clubbers in Barcelona, for use by V.I.P members in the clubs, and for the Mexican government, who have made it mandatory for certain government officials to get chipped with RFID chips if they wish to enter certain restricted areas of government buildings.
RFID microchips are also being sold as an effective means of storing all your personal information, and microchips are also being used to track forgetful hospital patients. Both the Labour party and the Conservative party in the UK have stated that ALL UK dogs will be microchipped next year, and anyone who fails to get their dog chipped will be fined and will even lose their right to keep their dog.
An RFID Chip
Not surprisingly for people who have read through this so far, the Pentagon has plans to implant troops with RFID microchips containing personal details to assist in efficient combat. In 2007 a study was initiated by the Department of Defense aimed at studying the use of RFID microchips implanted in wounded soldiers for use by medical workers.
‘People are going to say, 'What about my personal rights?...Even though you shelve some of your rights as a citizen (in the military), you don't shelve them all,’ said Joe Davis, spokesman for the ‘Veterans of Foreign Wars’.
The VeriChip corporation I talked about before have been in talks with the military about this RFID-chip scheme. This article on the talks, published on, says:
‘The government is no stranger to RFID. In July, the Army paid $3.76 million to 3M to implement an RFID-based system that will track medical files at its massive Fort Hood Army base in Texas—the militarys largest active-duty domestic base. Fort Hood houses the active medical records of more than 150,000 men and women stationed there—and their dependents records.
In concert with NATO, the U.S. military is using RFID to track goods in war theaters as well as through global supply chains. The U.S. State Department, in concert with the Department of Homeland Security, mandated RFID-chipped passports by the end of this year. And the U.S. Food & Drug Administration recently released its recommendations for the pharmaceutical industry regarding the use of RFID to track counterfeit drugs.’
Film-producer Aaron Russo gives his insider knowledge on the microchip agenda
In the 2008 document ‘Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World’, the fourth unclassified report prepared by the National Intelligence Council on estimations on what trends the future will hold, the US National Intelligence Council talks of the coming ‘Internet of Things’. In a section on technological breakthroughs of the next two decades, it describes this ‘Internet of Things’, saying:
‘Ubiquitous computing will be enabled by widespread tagging and networking of mundane objects (the Internet of Things) such as food packages, furniture, room sensors, and paper documents. Such items will be located and identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through enabling technologies – including Radio Frequency Identifications [RFID], sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters – connected via the next-generation Internet using abundant, low cost, high-power computing’
It continues:
‘These technologies [are] leading to integration of closed societies into the information age and security monitoring of almost all places’
What they are basically saying is that all objects implanted with RFID chips (anything from driver’s licenses, wheelie-bins, furniture, clothing, animals, and as we have seen, human beings) will be connected through a big interface, a big global internet. This is through our continually globalised world, with all computers across the planet connected through the current modern day internet, and eventually, all implanted RFID devices and computer systems to create an ‘Internet’ of ‘Objects’ or ‘Things’.
The National Intelligence Council said:
‘Popular demand combined with technology advances could drive widespread diffusion of an Internet of Things (IoT) that could, like the present Internet, contribute invaluably to economic development and military capability.’
Well, where is this going? Are we talking a Terminator-style 'Skynet'?
Former Counterterrorism czar and author Richard A Clarke would say ‘Yes’. In fact, he has written a novel called ‘Breakpoint’ based on current scientific trends and predictions, which takes place in the year 2012, in which a ‘Globegrid’ system is used to link supercomputers worldwide, and humans are routinely implanted with technological implants, such as brain-implants and human-machine interfaces. He says on the website of leading futurist and Transhumanist Ray Kurzweil:
‘In [previous novel] The Scorpion’s Gate, I projected a world in 2010, with the United States and China competing politically and economically for a dwindling supply of increasingly expensive oil and gas. That competition naturally took them to the Persian Gulf, where the largest oil deposits remained. The Persian Gulf of 2010 was unstable, with the United States threatening Iran, and fundamentalist Islamic forces emerging in Saudi Arabia…many of the trends in the novel have developed and are dominating the news.
Breakpoint, set in 2012, is meant to be predictive, at least about technology. It may read to some like science fiction, but it is based on emerging technologies that are the subject of research today. Scientists and engineers differ in their views about when the research will result in deployed technology, but their differences are most often a discussion of “when,” not “if.”’
In fact, the US military has been working on a global interface for warfare, an ‘internet’ of all their computer systems, which is exactly what Richard A Clarke is talking about.
A New York Times article on the envisioned internet said:
‘The Pentagon is building its own Internet, the military's world wide web for the wars of the future.
The goal is to give all American commanders and troops a moving picture of all foreign enemies and threats - "a God's-eye view" of battle.
This "Internet in the sky," Peter Teets, under secretary of the Air Force, told Congress, would allow "marines in a Humvee, in a faraway land, in the middle of a rainstorm, to open up their laptops, request imagery" from a spy satellite, and "get it downloaded within seconds."
The Pentagon calls the secure network the Global Information Grid, or GIG. Conceived six years ago, its first connections were laid six weeks ago. It may take two decades and hundreds of billions of dollars to build the new war net and its components’
For the project, they require hundreds of thousands of new radios, and satellite systems for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and communications. As you can tell, it is an incredibly expensive endeavour, but it’s going ahead all the same.
So where is this centralisation of computer systems and human technological implants going?
It’s going towards a global technological ‘Mind’ – forget the World Wide Web, the next step is the World Wide Mind.
A special programme from US TV network PBS on this emerging ‘World Wide Mind’
In 2007, a UK-based Ministry of Defence think tank called ‘the Development, Concepts, and Doctrine Centre’ (DCDC) published a document estimating future trends called ‘The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036’, in which it predicted that, amongst other things:
‘By 2035, an implantable information chip could be developed and wired directly to the user’s brain. Information and entertainment choices would be accessible through cognition and might include synthetic sensory perception beamed direct to the user’s senses. Wider related ICT developments might include the invention of synthetic telepathy, including mind-to-mind or telepathic dialogue.’
Yep, we are talking ‘matrix’ style technology here – brain implants that have sensory hallucinations beamed into them, allow people and machines to communicate telepathically, and track, trace, and catalogue everything.
Remember what the US Military said in the Global Trends document? All RFID-chipped objects ‘will be located and identified, monitored, and remotely controlled’.
Researchers in major Universities in the US have found that rats can be remote-controlled through brain implants, and the US military have plans to use such rats in the warzone.
Can humans be remote-controlled through brain implants as well? Based on what is known publicly, no, but who knows what has been achieved in top-secret ‘classified’ projects? Personally, I would suggest that this is what the Global Elite are aiming for – a World Wide Mind (like Skynet or The Matrix films) through which total control by the Elitists is carried out on a global scale. This agenda spells the end of all independent thought, as envisioned by B F Skinner, the final completion of the ‘New World Order’.
Leading Transhumanist Kevin Warwick, researcher and Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, England, discussing our Cyborg future
Leading futurists/Transhumanists Ray Kurzweil and Kevin Warwick state that when, not ‘if’, this human/machine merger really takes hold, a technological elite will probably take over and rule the humans that are not as advanced – literally Cyborgs will rule the biological humans. Well, I’ve got news for them, humans already are ruled by an ‘Elite’ – and they are planning on using these new technologies to maintain their control, not lose it.
This is not all some ‘natural progression’ – the introduction of microchips and implants through the healthcare system and the video games is being pushed by the Elite intentionally, in my humble view, with the intended result that they continue to rule us. It doesn’t have to be that way though – we can take the technology back in the hands of sane people who want to help humanity, and not psychopathic elites.
As far back as 1961, President Eisenhower warned of the emerging ‘Military-Industrial Complex’ – the alliance between Corporations (such as General Electric, Microsoft, Dyncorp, etc) and the government’s military. He said ‘the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist’, because of course when war becomes big-business we have a messy situation on our hands, as we have seen.
President Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell speech
Australian cyberculture theorist McKenzie Wark once proposed that President Dwight D. Eisenhower's definition, the ‘Military-Industrial Complex’ had been entirely usurped by the ‘Military-Entertainment Complex.’ Well, what I’ve been explaining in this mammoth article could be called the ‘Military-Nintendo Complex’ – the alliance between the government military and the video-game developers and corporations.
It might sound like its all bad news – but really it isn’t. Look at how much work the Elitists have to do just to keep us down. We’re incredible beings, and once you unplug from their fake culture of super-league sports, video games, TV addiction, etc, you can apply your own remarkable, unique intelligence and creativity to doing things you want to do, instead of throwing your life away in front of a screen, as the Elite want you to do. In no longer being a slave to their will, you can get and help the awakening masses across the world put an end to their proposed tyrannical world system in a peaceful, intelligent, non-violent fashion – the way human beings were meant to do it. You never know, we might see world peace within our lifetime.
Keep your chin up, reclaim your self-esteem as a sovereign human being, and nothing can stop you from living life as you want it – instead of as some Global Elitist planned for you.
special thanks to the following websites:
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